How We Met
Like many great love stories, ours began with a good, lively debate (which didn't invovle either of us), a few shots (which were taken by us, courtesy of our mutual friend, the bartender) and a common interest (we lived next door to each other and had no idea).
Like many great love stories, ours began with a good, lively debate (which didn't invovle either of us), a few shots (which were taken by us, courtesy of our mutual friend, the bartender) and a common interest (we lived next door to each other and had no idea).
It was a cold, early January night in DeWitt, NY. I was sitting at the local bar, the 'Shire tavern, listening to my roommate and BFF, Bonnie, wage a war on a stranger over a darts game that they were playing. As funny as it was listening to Bonnie stun him with her cunning wit, it was late and I was getting bored. Because it was near closing time, and because the 'Shire was often empty back then, conversational partners were lacking so I started to inch down the bar towards the bartender, a friend from school. All of a sudden I found myself next to a cute guy sitting with a beer and a shot. He smiled, said hello and casually asked if I needed a drink. I realized he probably put himself there to chat me up but decided to stay because he was so damn cute (come to find out, this was the case, he had been eyeing me all night and took the opportunity when it came).
After exchanging pleasantries and an explanation of the fiasco happening at the other end of the bar, he offered me a shot of Jack Daniels. I almost said no, but decided at the last second to drink it. He was clearly impressed. After some laughs and some pretty horrible jukebox selections the bar was closing up and he and his friend started to head out. By this point Bonnie had clearly won her argument and the guy was falling in love with her (or plotting his revenge). He offered to drive me home and I politely declined as Bonnie and I were walking together, since we only lived up the road at the local apartment complex. He flashed a grin and said that he lived there too, so now we HAD to take the ride. We walked outside and quickly realized it was freezing out there and way too cold to walk. As he parked the car to let us out I thought it was so crazy that not only did we live in the same complex but he lived in the building right next to ours! All either of us could think about was how fateful it was that the cute, funny and actually nice stranger from the bar lived right next door.
After waking up the next day and realizing that he didn't get my number, C headed back to the 'Shire the next night and waited through the bartenders busy shift to ask for it. The bartenders, Tiffany and Malorie, quickly texted me that the cute guy from the night before wanted to get in touch and to get to the bar asap. That night, we had our first "date" at the 'Shire over LaBatt Blue and pizza while watching a playoff game, a tradition we still carry on most weekends 7 years later.
The Proposal
It was early afternoon on Christmas Eve 2011. C had just gotten home from work and was was going about his usual business of cleaning up after our cats when he went into the bedroom and called me in to help him "move something". Like always, I was about to groan and say, "No can do, I'm in the middle of something," but something told me I should just go. I took a big bite of a canoli and thought about what a nice girlfriend I was being, helping out without complaint! That's when I opened the door to the bedroom to find him on one knee, ring in hand. He didn't give me a chance to finish chewing so with a mouthful of canoli I tearfully listened to his sweet proposal speech. I happily said yes when he asked me to share the rest of my life with him and we sealed the deal with a canoli flavored kiss through our laughter and tears. I have to mention that the big Giants vs. Jets game had just started but C stuck to his original plan, even after getting home a little late. Thankfully we were also able to celebrate an awesome Giants win over the Jets, and then Christmas Eve on top of it. It was an amazing day and we look forward to many more like it in our life together.
Our Wedding

Our vendors were incredible. We were left 1 month before the wedding
without a reverend due to a friend of my father's backing out of the
job, but we found the most amazing woman ever, Rev. Sue, officiated the
most beautiful ceremony ever. Our DJ, Mike with CT Productions, was
awesome and kept the party going all night. The food, catered by local
food truck company Slidin' Dirty, was great and our guests were thrilled
with the beverages they kept flowing all night. Our photographer,
Janelle, took incredible photos and captured some really beautiful

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