We had our first Dentist appointment a few weeks ago! After a quick cleaning and fluoride application the girls were all smiles and their teeth checked out great. The hygienist was shocked at how many teeth they have - at the time they had 11 and 9. Now our total is 12 and 10 at just 14 months old!
They're not awful when they're teething, they're just not themselves for the most part. But some days and nights have been really bad. Like when Viv was getting ALL FOUR of her molars at the same time. Thankfully Jules' teeth tend to come in one at a time spaced by weeks! After trying every trick in the book we've discovered what works for them and now run down the list when we things get rough. Here's some of our favorite teething remedies and soothers:
Amber Necklaces

When I say they're not awful when they're teething it's likely because they've been wearing these since before they even started. I don't know how bad they'd be without them and I don't want to know! The science behind amber necklaces might be lacking but after reading so many personal testimonials I had to try them. Maybe it's a self-fulfilling prophecy but I swear they work.
We have never had a drool issue (I mean it - they just don't drool) and while I can still tell when they are teething (it's amber, not a miracle worker) it is so much worse when I don't put their necklaces on. They don't always need them and I sometimes forget to put them on but as soon as I start to notice the mood change, red face and clinginess I pop them on and they're happier in minutes. They definitely work for us!
Teething Necklace for Mom
It's not just babies that get fancy new jewelry once those buggers start popping - us Moms can get some too! Fashionable and functional teething necklaces are one of the latest crazes in the mom world and we totally get it in this house. I own two and love them. The girls are usually pretty independent but right around the time a tooth pops they love their snuggles and don't like to be put down. These necklaces give them something extra to ease the ache when they're on top of me. They are also great for keeping their hands busy while nursing which cuts down on scratches for me.
I started with a knotted fabric necklace that is adorable and they love to chew on it and play with it. My only issue was the length. No matter how long I made it I felt like it wasn't long enough for them to both play with while nursing, which is one of the main benefits for us. They're not usually made for two babies though so all in all it is a great necklace and definitely helps with the teething pain.
I recently had the opportunity to try a necklace from Little Teether and we love it! The silicone beads are soft but have enough give to massage their gums plus they're BPA free and food grade safe. I love the length - it easily fits over your head and keeps their little hands (nails) far away from your chest so less scratches when nursing! It's especially perfect for twins since both of the girls can play with it while tandem nursing and not choke me out!
It also has a breakaway clasp rather than a tie so I'm not getting whiplash every time they yank on it. Not to mention it just looks cute. I don't tend to accessorize (I'm boring) but I love that the light purple color goes my clothes and the hearts add a cute little touch. The best part is that cleaning is a breeze. I just wash with a little soap and rinse really well and we're good to go!
Sterling Silver Teething Rings

These things are gold. Well, I mean, they're silver, but they work SO well. There's something about the feel of the silver on their gums that helps with the pain and they love them. They have a little rattle to them and make a cool sound when you shake them so they make a great toy too. They're pricey but my generous Aunt Jude gifted them to us after remembering how her babies loved to chew on her Tiffany bracelets.
High chair straps
We noticed they always chewed on straps, especially when teething. When they started eating real food the shoulder straps on their highchairs got disgusting in a few days so we just took them off. A few days later they were miserable, teething messes. They both had their top teeth coming in and nothing was working. That's when I remembered the straps in the clean laundry. Worked like a charm. They gnaw on them forever. They even wrap the strap around their hands and bite down as hard as they can and suck on them too. Super easy and free with purchase of a high chair!
Water Filled Frozen Pacifier
Long after they gave up their pacifiers at 6 months old they still take these to help with the pain. Fill the nipple of a pacifier with water and freeze them for about 45 minutes. I do four at a time and refill them as they melt. It's got the benefit of the softness of the nipple and the cold to ease the pain.
Cool Foods
Luckily most babies don't start really getting teeth until after they turn 6 months old which is great because there are a ton of foods to help ease the pain! Our go-to before they had teeth were raw cold carrot sticks since they couldn't break off chunks with just their gums. They also like cucumber sticks, yogurt, applesauce, frozen waffles, apple slices, avocado and cheese sticks which all provide cooling relief without hurting their swollen gums to chew.
Breastmilk Popsicles
I didn't have any actual pospicle makers so I just took some expressed milk, poured it in a clean ice cube tray and dipped their pacifiers in. They work so well! They could hold them and suck on them and they got the added benefit of nutritious milk rather than plain water. If you're worried about the mess you could wrap a washcloth around it but my girls preferred them this way.
Teething Toys
1. Sophie The Giraffe and her knock-off friends Coco the Monkey and Kiki the Elephant
2. Bright Starts Ring
3. Bright Starts Gel Keys
4. Bright Starts First Bites Frog Teether and Nuby Silicone Teether with Bristles
5. Sassy Terry Teethers
6. Lots o Links
7. Genius Babies Soft Stacker Parts
Hyland's Teething Tablets
Don't let their bad press a few years ago scare you off. After a voluntary recall due to fears of belladonna causing seizures back in 2010 they worked with the FDA and reformulated the product. Read more here. We give them two or three if they wake up in pain and they seriously help take the edge off. I took a few myself and you can feel how they work and melt right in your mouth.
Pain reliever
When all else fails we dose 'em up. I kid, but not really. Sometimes they're so uncomfortable they're not able to sleep or eat. And they bite. Oh how they bite me when they're teething. Everything else above takes the edge off but there comes a point where they just need a break from the ache. We've given acetaminophen and ibuprofen and find the best results with infant Motrin. Call your pediatrician for accurate dosages based on weight and pay attention to the time if you need to give more than one dose so you don't overdose.
Teething is no picnic no matter how many babies you have so I hope you're able to find some relief with some of our tips!
What works best for your little loves?
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