We had such a great weekend celebrating Father's Day with Jama, Aunt Debz and Cousin Ricky. Then we got to hang out with Papa T and meet his new friend Liz. We also saw tons of people at Troy's Riverfest on Saturday with Aunt Lisa, Abbie and Eric. We even met a woman who as 20 year old identical twins named Emily and Sophie who were born on the girls' birthday (July 30)! Small world!
Nature and Outside
We had a picnic in the backyard and went for a few walks to the park. We watched a spider crawl on our blanket and tasted some sticks before mom could grab them out of our mouths.
Sensory and Exploration
We took our mirror down this week and laid it on the floor for some fun. They loved looking down at themselves and rolling balls on it. They discovered that they could see their hand when they waved it over the mirror and that they could see each other too!

I finally finished their photo book too! I filled a small photo album with pictures of them when they were littler, with family and holidays. They love flipping through/chewing on it and it's helping them learn all the different people in our lives!
Music, Movement and Games
Our favorite playlists this week were Aunt Kate's Miscellaneous playlist, which has tons of Mom's favorite songs on it and Kid Friendly Songs for the Whole Family. I wish I had discovered this one sooner! It has tons of Papa T's favorites (like The Wood Brothers and The Grateful Dead) and things that I otherwise wouldn't have listened to but love that they're being exposed to. We also downloaded a new app called 8tracks that has community built playlists based on anything you can think of! So far we are loving Sweet Summertime and Be Happy.
Movement activities were all about facilitating crawling and cruising this week. Although they've mastered crawling I'm working on encouraging spatial awareness to limit head bumps! We crawled a lot around the kitchen and played find the letter - I took their magnet letters and hid them in bowls under the island, under the chairs, stuck them to the oven, washing machine and cabinets, gated off the door and let them roam to find them all. When they did I gave them bowls and spoons and they made "alphabet soup" while I finished cooking their lunch!
They're playing peek-a-boo and they are loving Where is Thumbkin? Since they discovered how to point they're poking everything with their fingers so we'll play this game to explore all of them!
Favorite Toys
Glow in the Dark Stars - I picked mine up at a garage sale but you can find them anywhere. For the younger babies I recommend getting the large stars because the smaller ones fit perfectly in their mouths.
LeapFrog Fridge Phonics Magnetic Letter Set - They love these now!
Paper - Holy Moly. I always knew I would have to babyproof the heck out of the house with twins but I had no idea that PAPER would be the one thing I needed to stay most on top of. Not so easy when Mom has lists and notebooks all over the house. So far this week they have found and tried to eat a postcard, a bunch of my lists, a receipt, dried wipes, a notebook and pages from a book. All while I'm changing one's diaper or getting them ready to nurse. They only get a corner off if they're lucky and I don't catch them in time and hey, it's just extra fiber right?
Favorite Books
One Love - Aunt Liz gave them this for Christmas last year and they love it! It's based on the Bob Marley song and the pictures are bright and beautiful. I love the message it delivers and it's a super sturdy board book that so far they have not managed to chew the corners off of!
Guess How Much I Love You? - Ok somehow I managed to make it through 15 years of caring for kids without reading this book once. I knew it was a well known and loved classic but I just always skipped over it. Oh how I didn't know what I was missing. Such a sweet book and now I know where Love you to the moon and back came from!
New Foods
Broccoli and Cauliflower Cheddar Patties, Squash Grilled Cheese, Tuna Fish, Steak, White Potatoes, Strawberries, Turkey hot dogsXo,
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