We watched a thunderstorm out the window then went out and felt the rain and looked for a rainbow and they splashed in their first puddle! We also spent a lot of evenings taking walks with Daddy or just hanging out in the yard.
We did hard and soft sensory bins. They really enjoyed dumping them out and I helped them sort them back in while describing the items to them. We banged things together and talked about how the hard toys were loud and the quiet toys were soft.
Music, Movement and Games
This week I was feeling super sappy so we listened to my Parenting Love Songs Playlist on Spotify a lot. I also discovered some children's stories playlists and those were fun to listen to, at least for me.
Viv is full on crawling everywhere and we've moved on to pulling up and scooting so we spend a lot of time doing that. Now we're working on crawling encouragement with Jules. She tries to catch Viv but can't get the mechanics yet.
We brought out the tunnel for the first time this week and Viv loved it!
Favorite Toys
Medela bottle caps - I don't know what it is about these things but they will happily play with them forever. They chew on them and clap them together, drop them in cups or bowls and shake them. I have like 20 from all the pump parts I got over time and never thought we'd get this much use out of them!
Books - They are starting to look at books! They chew on them more but if I set some out and watch they will pick them up, flip through the pages and actually look at things now.
Crinkly Bear & Fox - These Boppy toys have been in their play area forever and they never really paid attention to them. This week though they both discovered them and now they're in the cribs half the time because they just love to rub and chew on them.
Water bottles - We NEVER have water bottles in the house thanks to our awesome Life Factory glass bottles but we picked up a big pack for our BBQ and ended up having a ton left over. We used them this week and the girls were obsessed with them. I swear they made Viv finally learn to crawl because if I had one, she wanted it.
Favorite Books
They discovered the touchy-feely parts of their Farm Animals book this week so we've been reading that a lot! They also are loving the Peek-a-Boo book with all the pictures of babies! They start giggling and reaching out for them as soon as I open it.
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