Well come Tuesday morning the fever had broken but she woke up with a lovely rash of red spots all over her body. Thanks to my researching eczema since she was a newborn I knew exactly what it was - roseola! It's a relatively common viral infection that she likely picked up at the grocery store two weeks ago. It's put a damper on our fun as she's been quite irritable and lethargic. But we still found a way to enjoy ourselves!
Nature/Outside Time

We played with our ball box a ton this week. We did bowling with lined up puffs containers and rolled the balls into them. We dropped balls into a bucket and listened to the sound. We filled up puffs containers with as many balls as we could, shook them and then dumped them out. We rolled balls into a coffee can and to each other (kind of!). We talked about the balls and used words to describe them like big, small, hard, soft, squishy, round, squeaky, bouncy, etc. The girls love to pick up two of the small plastic ones and bang them into each other and onto things so we tried that with different objects to explore the different sounds.
Music, Movement and Games
Our favorite playlist this week is the Ultimate Toddler Playlist on Spotify. It's chock full of songs we all can enjoy like the Laurie Berkner Band, Frozen, The Wiggles and Kidz Bop. I also learned that some awesome bands that I love have covered kids songs like the Barenaked Ladies - 7,8,9 and The Verve Pipe - Cereal!
One of our favorite games this week was "What's that?" I put them in the middle of their play area with a few toys scattered around them and wait for them to reach out and grab something. When they did I would say, "What's that you got there?" and wait for a response, usually just a babble. Then I would explain what they had using descriptive words before naming the object: "It has a stick. It makes a sound. It lights up. It's your NogginStick!" or "It's round. It's blue. It's hard. It's a ball!"
I spent a lot of time holding and wearing Juliette this week since she was under the weather so we didn't do a ton of movement games but one of Viv's favorites was pushing things. She pushed her walking toy from one side of the room to the other, pushed her stool from the end of the play area to the wall and pushed my water bottle all the way under the couch (where it sat for 5 hours while I searched everywhere for it!)
Favorite Toys

Puffs Containers - I recycled our puffs containers and had no idea how much fun they would get out of them. First when I took off the labels and they got their hands on them. 45 minutes of crinkling, chewing and trading a simple piece of plastic (don't worry, everything gets washed and checked for choking hazards). They also love opening and closing the top and banging on it. When I put something inside they will shake it up and giggle at the sound.
Pillows and Books - I created a reading nook/cozy corner for them this week using two of our old pillows and a bookshelf we had. They love crawling/rolling over to the pillows and laying on them, patting them, staring at the patterns on the covers and snuggling down on them. Eventually they discovered the books and now they will sit happily and look at them while laying on the pillows.
Favorite Books
They're finally old enough to sit through longer and more complex books. I have loved these books ever since receiving them when they were just a few weeks old from my ever so thoughtful Auntie Jude. The "Little" Trio as I call it is three stories about Little Pea who doesn't like to eat candy, Little Hoot who doesn't want to stay up late and Little Oink who doesn't like to make messes. They are beautifully illustrated with each page containing fun things to do like counting toys or searching for things. Amy Krouse Rosenthal is a genius!
Jules is finally feeling better and we're looking forward to a great week next week!
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